Hope Mill theatre
It’s been interesting and intriguing to work with the team at Hope Mill theatre over the past several months. We’ve been working together to trial what – for me – is a new approach to evaluation which involves me supporting…
It’s been interesting and intriguing to work with the team at Hope Mill theatre over the past several months. We’ve been working together to trial what – for me – is a new approach to evaluation which involves me supporting…
I’ve just completed the evaluation report of Dance School – a TV production commissioned by Channel Four and developed by Leeds-based Duck Soup Films. The production aims both to provide high quality entertainment that can be sustained in the long…
I was delighted to host this most recent Centre for Cultural Value podcast, focusing on issues of transparency in evaluation. I could have listened to guests Stella Kanu (CEO of Shakespeare’s Globe) and Professor Ben Walmsley (Director of the Centre)…
I’ve just finished working with the Royal Literary Fund (RLF), evaluating its Writing for Life programme which places RLF Fellows in health, community and other not for profit settings. Operating across the UK, the programme aims to: – Support understanding of how language…
It’s always satisfying to complete a piece of work. This has been particularly the case with Opal 22’s Casta: the origins of caste evaluation. For Tara Munroe, the exhibition last autumn at the Leicester Museum was the culmination of over…
It’s been a great pleasure working with Tara Munroe, Director of Opal 22 Arts and Edutainment, over the past few months. Back in 2010 Tara made a remarkable discovery in the store room of Leicester Museum – an original set…
PAWS and CLAP were cross – Wales projects funded through the Big Lottery Fund which aimed to support individuals living with HIV and / or hepatitis through a range of counselling and clinical interventions. We were commissioned to carry out…
Funded by Arts Council England and running from November 2016 to the end of March 2017, Telling is the first independent project designed and delivered by Armstrong Cameron. Designed as a pilot, it will support us in developing our approach…
We were engaged by Wellcome Collection to evaluate its work with individuals and organisations who collaborate on aspects of its extensive public programme. In particular, Wellcome was keen to learn how collaborators had experienced the collaboration process and to consider…
Engage is the lead advocacy and training network for gallery education and supports arts educators, organisations and artists to work with communities in dynamic, open exchanges that give everyone the opportunity to learn and benefit from the arts. Armstrong Cameron…